



Borrowed from Hebrew הֶקֵּשׁ (hekesh).



hekesh (plural hekeshim)

  1. (Jewish law) Application of a stated law to an unstated but analogous case.
    • 1992 September 8, Yechezkal Shimon Gutfreund, “Not a Charm?”, in soc.culture.jewish[1] (Usenet):
      One SCJ commentator said how he felt that the custom of kissing the mezzuzah was something that should be banned as being too close to avodah zarah. (and he made a hekesh to the nachash nechoshet)
    • 1995 June 6, Avi Sion, Judaic Logic: A Formal Analysis of Biblical, Talmudic and Rabbinic Logic, Avi Sion, →ISBN, page 150:
      He regarded the hekesh as the equivalent of an explicitly written teaching.
    • 2006, Abraham Isaac Kook, Gold from the Land of Israel, Chanan Morrison, →ISBN, page 150:
      Talmudic tradition (Shabbat 92a) connects them with a hekesh, teaching that both reached full stature: “Just as the mishkan was ten cubits tall, so too the altar was ten cubits tall.”