See also: Horseshoe Curve


Horseshoe Curve in Blair County, Pennsylvania





horseshoe curve (plural horseshoe curves)

  1. A curve in the shape of a horseshoe, often on a railway, where hairpin bends cannot be used.
    • 1939 Septenber, T. R. Perkins, “The G.W.R in West Wales”, in Railway Magazine, page 202:
      It only remains to notice briefly the branch from Whitland to Cardigan, which for a few miles pursues its tortuous and picturesque course along the valley of the Taf, thence rising by very severe gradients to Crymmych Arms, near to which station is a striking horse-shoe curve.
    • 1959, David P. Morgan, editor, Steam's Finest Hour, Kalmbach Publishing Co., pages 113, referring to the line between Mexico City and Toluca:
      This route was constructed in 1883 and involves a horseshoe curve, two tunnels, ruling grades of 3.76 per cent southbound and 3.91 per cent northbound (with patches up to 4.8 per cent), and severe curvature.
    • 2021 December 15, Robin Leleux, “Awards honour the best restoration projects: The Costain Structures Award: Auch Viaduct”, in RAIL, number 946, page 57:
      The viaduct has nine steel spans on a 16-chain (328-metre) curve and is one of two significant structures on the celebrated Horseshoe Curve.

Coordinate terms


Further reading
