



hot wash (plural hot washes)

  1. Alternative form of hotwash
    • 2000, John A. Woods, James W. Cortada, The 2001 ASTD Training and Performance Yearbook, page 385:
      Everyone is accustomed to taking time to do a "hot wash," which happens during the action, or a "cold wash," which is done immediately after the action is completed.
    • 2006, McCormick Taylor, Transportation Security:
      A debrief (for facilitators or controllers/evaluators) and/or hot wash (for players) should occur following both discussion- and operations-based exercises.
    • 2007, Frances L. Edwards, Friedrich Steinhäusler, NATO And Terrorism, page 76:
      In the “hot wash” meeting after the exercise the participants agreed that cellular phones would be excluded from all future exercises and actual responses to prevent this limitation of information (Edwards and Goodrich, 2006).
    • 2015, Sharon Stanley, Thola A. Bennecoff Wolanski, Designing and Integrating a Disaster Preparedness Curriculum:
      Key postevent activities include debriefing, hot wash, and evaluation (USDHS, 2013).
  2. The act of washing laundry in hot water, or the setting on a washing machine for such a wash.