



inchoactive (comparative more inchoactive, superlative most inchoactive)

  1. Misspelling of inchoative.
    • 1894, Memorial Record of the County of Cuyahoga and City of Cleveland, Ohio:
      All this time he had retained in an inchoactive form an idea of the distinctive line along which his life work should be directed, and once determined as to the course to be pursued he buckled on the barness and again lent himself to close application, eagerly taking up the study of legal lore with the aim of preparing himself for practice at the bar, a profession for which he was admirabiy adapted by natural endowment and mental characteristics, as is sulliciently evinced by the marked success he has attained.
    • 1969, Albert Hodgkinson, Börje Edgar Christopher Nordin, Proceedings of the Renal Stone Research Symposium, held at Leeds, April 1968:
      These are small, inchoactive stones having a minimal, but definite, matrix and with the calcium salts closely compacted.
    • 1970, George Lakoff, Irregularity in syntax, page 107:
      We can also state a very simple rule in English for the addition of the prefix de- in the above examples: de- is added to adjectives that are negative and that undergo the inchoactive transformation.
    • 1991, Robert I. Binnick, Time and the Verb: A Guide to Tense and Aspect, →ISBN, page 310:
      In these examples, it is a special Aktionsart reading — inchoactive or terminative — which allows the container adverbial.
    • 1992, Renos K. Papadopoulos, Carl Gustav Jung: Psychopathology and psychotherapy, →ISBN, page 404:
      More specifically, Fernandez argues that individuals are 'inchoactive subjects', which means that they are in fact simply the personal pronouns 'I', 'you', 'we', and so on, which in themselves are abstract and inchoactive, that is they express the origin of the assumption of 'predicates', which grant these pronouns more concrete qualifications for a clearer, more comprehensible social definition.
    • 1995, Gerard Ellis, Conceptual Structures: Applications, Implementation and Theory, →ISBN:
      Kocura [18] presented a detailed study of inchoactive and causative situations using conceptual graphs.
    • 1998, María Pía Lara, Moral Textures: Feminist Narratives in the Public Sphere, →ISBN, page 175:
      Ricoeur argues: 'Another new source of complexity has appeared in the twentieth century, in particular with the stream-of-consciousness novel, so marvelously illustrated by a work of Virginia Woolf [To the Lighthouse], a masterpiece from the point of view of the perception of time ...[in which what] holds the center of attention is the incompleteness of personality, the diversity of levels of the conscious, the subconscious, and the unconscious, the stirring of unformulated desires, the inchoactive and evanescent character of feelings..."
    • 1998, Ekiadolor Journal of Education: EJE. - Volume 3, Issue 1, page 354:
      Science and technology in their inchoactive, primal forms are intangible, personal and cannot be said to be based on experience or reason.
    • 2002, Marvin Gould Kramer, Substrate Transfer in Saramaccan Creole - Volume 1, page 47:
      They alternate between an inchoactive and a causative meaning.
    • 2013, Gabriela Goldstein, Art in Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Approach to Creativity and Analytic Practice:
      At times, sublimation is nothing less than the highest destiny of part drives, whereas at other times it is present from the outset, the very foundation of psychic life, present in unconscious fantasies (fantasme) and representations that constitute its inchoactive form (Séchaud, 2005).
    • 2014, Derrick de Kerckhove, Cristina Miranda de Almeida, The Point of Being, →ISBN, page 128:
      This qualification does not refer to individual dancing bodies that are more energetic and malleable; rather, it defines an enlarged sound body in a new-born state, inchoactive, unfinished, always looking to develop and balance itself out.