




  1. Misspelling of inseparable.
    • 1681, “a Lover of Truth and of his Country” [pseudonym; James Tyrrell], chapter IV, in Patriarcha non Monarcha. The Patriarch Unmonarch’d: Being Observations on a Late Treatise and Divers Other Miscellanies, Published under the Name of Sir Robert Filmer Baronet. In which the Falseness of those Opinions that would Make Monarchy Jure Divino are Laid Open; and the True Principles of Government and Property (especially in Our Kingdom) Asserted, London: Printed for Richard Janeway, in Queens-head-Alley in Pater-Noster-Row, →OCLC, pages 122–123:
      [T]hat great Aſſembly des notables called by K. Francis the Firſt, to give their Judgment of the Articles of Peace lately made with the Emperour Charles V. at Madrid, their ſenſe was, that Burgundy which by thoſe Articles was to be delivered up, was an inſeperable Member of the Crown, of which he was but the uſufructuary, and ſo he could not diſpoſe of the one any more than of the other; []