Finnish edit

Adverb edit

kaksin verroin

  1. doubly
    • 1876, Johan Ludvig Runeberg, translated by Johan Bäckwall, Saarijärven Paavo:
      Sanoi Paavo häntä suositellen:
      ”Vaikka kokee, eipä hylkää Herra.
      Pane kaksin verroin petäjätä,
      Kaksin kerroin laitan lannan maalle.
      Mutta tulon toivon taivahasta”.
      Paavo persuaded her by saying:
      "Lord may try man, but won't abandon him.
      Put twice as much pine (phloem),
      and I'll lay twice as much manure on the farmland,
      but pray to the heavens for crops."