See also: knob-jockey





Refers to a person who rides a knob (UK slang for "penis"), analagous to a jockey riding a horse.





knob jockey (plural knob jockeys) (UK, vulgar, slang, derogatory, humorous)

  1. A gay man.
    • 2007, Glen Duncan, I, Lucifer: Finally, the Other Side of the Story:
      In fact maybe now's as good a time as any to tell you: if you're gay, you go to Hell. Doesn't matter what else you spend your time doing – painting the Sistine Chapel, for instance – knob-jockey? Down you go. (Lezzers are borderline; room for manoeuvres if they've done social work.)
    • 2009, Arlene Hunt, Missing Presumed Dead:
      A Knob Jockey, was John's take. He was slender and moved in a series of jerks. He wore black skinny jeans, a Ramones Tshirt and Converse runners.
    • 2009, Phillip Gwynne, The Build Up, page 93:
      You could call Julien a poof, a fag, a shirt-lifter or a knob jockey, and he didn't mind but, for some reason he hated to be likened to a herbaceous plant of the genus Viola. 'You pansy,' said Dusty.
    • 2011, Dakota Cassidy, Accidentally Catty:
      Maybe he was in fact a knob jockey. He snatched a handful of Katie's lingerie in his palm and inhaled deeply. Well then. No. He wasn't gay.
    • 2014, Mandy Hager, Singing Home the Whale:
      Poofter. Bum bandit. Knob jockey. Fag. The comments on YouTube left him in no doubt of what they thought — and, though he had no problem with gays (had several close friends that way inclined), he resented being labelled one merely because he'd cried.
    • 2014, Sead Mahmutefendić, Kelvin's Zero, page 27:
      I can't fucking stand those sorts of men, but the biggest dope in all of this is me for letting myself fall in love with such a waste of space, knob-jockey, lady-boy, the piercing pressed deeper into her brain, but she no longer felt like improvising and imagining what would be if it would only be, []
    • 2021, Robin Newbold, Bangkok Burning:
      He's right though, a queer, a nonce, shirt lifter, shit stabber, knob jockey, uphill gardener, bender, homosexual.
  2. A promiscuous straight woman.
    • 2010, Geraint Anderson, Cityboy: Beer and Loathing in the Square Mile:
      Christ, she is a knob jockey of the old school. She's had more pricks in her than a pub dartboard.
    • 2011, Paul Burston, Karen Mcleod, Men & Women:
      'I grab the rancid knob jockey by her filthy blonde locks and slap her hard across the face. She squeals and scrambles off the soiled sheets before falling into some stranger's groin—mouth open, naturally.'
    • 2015, Louise Lyons, Encore:
      Although reality was probably farther from my imagination than I suspected; after all, I was no knob jockey. That being said, I still felt like I'd had more than my fair share of lovers—none of whom turned out to be my Prince Charming.
    • 2019, T. M. Bilderback, Jim Dandy - A Justice Security Novel:
      [] If we have time, I need to divert to Los Angeles, and find out if Charlie Li is coming back to work.” Jessica frowned. “I haven't heard from him since he married that Hollywood knob jockey.” Charlie Li had married famous movie actress Carly Stewart a few weeks earlier.
  3. A promiscuous man; a player.
    • 2019, Eve Langlais, Furry United Coalition #2:
      She also needed a certain knob jockey to leave her alone.
    • 2021, Simon Booker, Three's A Crowd:
      'How are you?' he said. 'Pregnant. Thanks to a crap shag with a knob-jockey.'
    • 2022, Mark Edmonds, Turmoil in Paradise: Trouble Shooter or Hitman:
      "And I'm going to guess," Gawler said, still not moving from his spot, "that you wankers get-off by beating up your women because it makes you feel better about your problem," he gestured to Johnny's crotch, “not much good as a knob jockey.”
  4. A term of abuse.
    Ruining a barbecue by burning the meat. You really are a complete knob jockey.
    • 2011, Dean Monet, Reign on Cloud Nine, page 118:
      No worries knob jockey, I will find you some work.
    • 2013, Melissa Keil, Life in Outer Space:
      Maybe he fell into a vat of some kind of knob-jockey supervillain juice over the summer holidays.
    • 2018, Michael Sinclair-Thomson, Peaceful Freeman: A Story by a Peaceful Freeman on the Land:
      Driving out of the car park, I sarcastically gave the knob jockey a wave and said in a high-pitched sarcastic tone, “Bye, bye now. Stay safe.”
    • 2020, Pat Sharp, Darren Richman, Luke Catterson, Re-run the Fun: My Life as Pat Sharp:
      Children can be so cruel and he would delight in pronouncing 'disc jockey' as 'knob jockey'.