



kritocracy (plural kritocracies)

  1. Alternative form of critocracy
    • 2003, Dublin University Law Journal, volumes 24-25, page 85:
      However, it is doubtful that one instance of breaching the natural law would justify jettisoning the popular sovereign for a kritocracy, as Mr Justice O'Hanlon would seem to have it.
    • 2017 January 5, Joe Cooper, “Obama's Disastrous Legacy”, in groups.google.com[1] (Usenet):
      But Article Three is slapping around Article One. It's rule by judges, a kritocracy.
    • 2018, Dud Crawford, The Constitutionalist Manifesto: Book 1: The United States Constitution Is a Failure, →ISBN, page 481:
      And here we see a complete agreement between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists as to the true nature of the Constitution -- it will be a (benign?) Kritocracy -- a government ruled by Judges.