



kunjoos (plural not attested)

  1. (India) A miser.
    • 1995, Simul Parikh, “Marriage Info...”, in rec.music.indian.misc (Usenet):
      Must have no desire to work
      Must not mind husband being a kunjoos
      Does not mind cooking, cleaning, and having a smile on her face always
    • 2005, Manzur Murshed, Broken Milestones, page 433:
      "Sala you are a kunjoos," he says. "Don't be mean. After I am going to be your brother-in-law." "Don't be presumptuous," I say.
    • 2007, Vivek Iyer, Whiskey's Secret, page 50:
      You really are kunjoos!" Sumati complained, her Ludhiana background asserting itself in the accent she gave the Hindi word for miser.