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Literally “praise to God”.





laus Deō (Ecclesiastical Latin)

  1. praise be to God (exclamation of happiness or thanks)
    • 1619, Sancti Patris Ephraem Syri Scriptoris Ecclesiae Antiquissimi et Dignissimi Opera Omnia [] , page 620:
      Anno denique 1597. praesentem Tomum Tertium, ac postremum Operum omnium S. Patris nostri Ephraem Syri; tandem (Laus Deo) Romae absolutum, ex Vaticana Typographia edidimus.
      Finally in the year 1597 we published the present Third Volume, and the last of the whole works of our Holy Father Ephrem the Syrian, at length (praise be to God) absolved by Rome.
    • 1691, Francesco Gallo, edited by Bernardino Gallo, Tractatus de Fructibus [] , page 222:
      In dubio porro est obediendum principi, quia si bene fecerit, laus Deo, si male, hoc permittit Deus pro punitione populi []
      The prince, furthermore, is to be obeyed when in doubt, because if he has done good, praise be to God, if bad, God allows this for the punishment of the people []