



lysiosquilloid (plural lysiosquilloids)

  1. (zoology) Any mantis shrimp in the superfamily Lysiosquilloidea
    • 2002, A.. Wells, W. W. K. Houston, Crustacea: Malacostraca : Phyllocardia, Hoplocardia, Eucarida:
      Members of the family share with lysiosquilloids the subquadrate, distally ribbed propodi of maxillipeds 3-4, but differ in bearing a distinct median carina on the telson.
    • 2003, The Journal of Experimental Biology, volume 206, number 1, page 378:
      The lysiosquilloid Pullosquilla litoralis was previously reported to inhabit only tropical waters less than 2 m deep []
    • 2012, Les Watling, Martin Thiel, Functional Morphology and Diversity, page 278:
      Ahyong (1997) hypothesized that the long ischium of lysiosquilloid stomatopods increased the reach of their raptorial appendages, implying that this allowed these stomatopods a greater striking distance []