



maak droog (present maak droog, present participle droogmakend, past participle droog gemaak)

  1. To make a mess or a mistake.
    • 1985, Gerrit Olivier, Tienie du Plessis, editor, Stet, volume 3, page 31:
      LOES: is jy nou laf? Dis moeilik om 'n ideoloog te laat besef hy maak droog.
      LOES: Are you crazy? It's hard to get an ideologist to realise that he's making a mess.
    • 2020, Elsa Winckler, Ware Noord [True North], LAPA Publishers, →ISBN, unnumbered page:
      "Ek is jou vriendin, juis daarom kan ek vir jou sê as ek sien jy maak droog." Sy sit haar hand op Anya se skouer en vir 'n rukkie loop hulle in stilte.
      "I'm your friend, therefore I can tell you when I see you making a mistake." She put her hand on Anya's shoulder and for a while they walked in silence.
  2. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see maak,‎ droog.