
English numbers (edit)
 ←  1,000,000 (106) 1,000,000,000 (109) 1012  → [a], [b] 1015  → [a], [b]
    Cardinal: billion, milliard, thousand million
    Ordinal: billionth, milliardth, thousand-millionth
    Multiplier: billionfold, milliardfold, thousand-millionfold
    Metric collective prefix: giga-
    Metric fractional prefix: nano-
    Number of years: giga-annum, gigayear

Alternative forms




From milliard +‎ -fold.



milliardfold (not comparable)

  1. A milliard times so.
    • 1919, Leon Trotsky, “Rules and Prospects”, in The Permanent Revolution & Results and Prospects, 1. The Peculiarities of Russian Historical Development, page 20:
      The longer such a state of affairs dragged on, the greater became the contradiction between the needs of economic and cultural development and the policy of the Government, which had developed its mighty ‘milliard-fold’ inertia.
    • 1958, Problems of Cybernetics, Pergamon Press:
      Since all tissues are potentially subject to carcinogenesis the existence of higher organisms would in general be impossible if the conversion of a normal cell into a cancerous one could take place as a result of a single mutation; even if carcinogenesis was caused by the mutation of only one out of ten thousand loci of a chromosome, still, in the organism, there would be a million or milliardfold opportunity for a cancerous tumour to arise.
    • 1977, Erich von Däniken, According to the Evidence: My Proof of Man's Extraterrestrial Origins:
      This milliard-fold bilocation required a god/spirit who had to be omnipresent and omniscient. Only then can God be informed about everything that creeps and flies; only then can a unified judgment of the rigtheous and unrighteous be made;



milliardfold (not comparable)

  1. By a factor of a milliard.
    • 1890, Henry Sebastian Bowden, Natural Religion, Friedrich Pustet, translation of Apologie Des Christenthums by Hettinger, Franz:
      “In very few years,” says Bertholt, “insects, at their rapid rate of increase, would multiply a milliardfold, and strata would be formed of the bodies of worms and grubs.”
    • 1909, Denton Jaques Snider, Cosmos and Diacosmos: The Processes of Nature Psychologically Treated, page 149:
      Number is now seen working with itself and evolving itself, combining and dividing itself milliardfold.
    • 1934, Edwin Walter Kemmerer, “Chapter VI: Germany’s Inflation”, in Kemmerer on Money, George Routledge & Sons, Security Prices:
      Comparing December, 1923, with the year 1913, we find that the prices of stocks on the average increased 269 milliardfold, while the wages of higher Government officials, a class of people for whom the wage rise was exceptionally, increased 509 milliardfold.
    • 1961, Johannes Witt-Hansen, Historical Materialism: The Method, the Theories; Exposition and Critique, volume 1:
      Commenting on the question of dialectic, Lenin observes in accordance with Engels: Marx analyzes in Capital first of all the simplest, the most common, the most fundamental, the most manifold, the most habitual, milliardfold observable relation of bourgeois (commodity-) society: the exchange of commodities.
    • 1967, N. I. Kirillov, Problems in Photographic Research and Technology, Focal Press:
      In the process of development there is a selective reduction of the silver-halide microcrystals of the photographic layer affected by the action of light, while at the same time the latent photographic image is intensified million and milliard-fold, as a result of which it becomes visible.
    • 1988, L. León, The World-solution for World-problems: The Problem, Its Cause, Its Solution, →ISBN:
      A more appropriate comparison of a planetary population would be that of a huge space-ship, a milliardfold in complexity compared with anything we know of, with no captain or crew, with no other owners than this population itself, that is set aboard all of a sudden.
    • 1998, Jinning Wu, Yuhua Li, translated by Zhichao Wang, The Truth of the Universe, →ISBN:
      During burst the supernovas in forming stage throw more mass than the novas do and give a milliard-fold as much as luminosity as the Sun.
    • 2010 November 30, Ryzhard Pohorecki, John Bridgwater, M. Molzahn, Rafiqul Gani, Crispulo Gallegos, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process Technology: Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering, volume 1, United Kingdom: EOLSS Publishers, →ISBN, Orders of Magnitude of Heat Rates and Heat Fluxes, page 134:
      Multiplying Ė₀ with this spherical surface gives the heat rate emitted by the sun: [] that turns out to be: [] which is more than 2 milliard-fold the rate irradiated upon Earth.