




From multibillionaire +‎ -ess.



multibillionairess (plural not attested) (rare)

  1. A female multibillionaire.
    • 1967, Wager, Walter, editor, The Playwrights Speak, Dell Publishing Co., page 82:
      An emigrant returned home from America and took revenge on his old rival. That was the first phase. Then the second: the emigrant turned into a woman, the multibillionairess, Claire Zachanassian.
    • 1989, London Theatre Record, volume 9, page 1682, column 1:
      Into this non-scene drops Clara Zachanassian, multi[-]billionairess and one-time Gullener, who offers to bestow £1 billion to be divided per capita — cue orgiastic gratefulness of the townsfolk — on the condition that Alfred Schill, the popular grocer and one-time lover of Clara, die for deeds done by him to her in the past: namely getting her pregnant , disowning the child in court by buying witnesses off with a bottle of whisky and so forcing her into the streets to work as a prostitute.
    • 1995, Peter F. Hamilton, The Nano Flower, Pan Macmillan, published 2019, →ISBN:
      The multibillionairess was only a couple of years older than Suzi.
    • 1999 August 17,, “Re: the art of critique”, in alt.arts.poetry.comments (Usenet), message-ID <7paadv$iq$>:
      > I am speaking as someone who has worked in the ISP enviroment[sic] since the end / > of '93 and can quite safely say that I know what I'm talking about... / Since the end of '93, Mop!?!?! And you're not / a multibillionairess by now?!?! Have you been into / English Lit just like li'l ole me all that time, Mop? Really! / And here I thought you knew what you were talking about!
    • 2002 July 26, PUSSSYKATT, “BITS AND PIECES 07/26 Part 1”, in alt.gossip.celebrities (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      --The new bride and multibillionairess Lady Heather Mills Beatle McCartney, whilst the husband is singing for his supper in Japan, is doing personal appearances in Tokyo department stores for the clothing line she reps . . .