



Blend of muzzie +‎ rat.





muzrat (plural muzrats)

  1. (slang, offensive, religious slur) A Muslim.
    • 2014, Reynolds Alexander, Convict Land: Undercover in America's Jails, →ISBN:
      But it would be better if we avoided them dirty turbans and muzrats and invaded Jamaica instead.
    • 2015 November 18, Marti van Lin, “Terror attacks in Paris”, in comp.os.linux.advocacy (Usenet):
      Don't forget China, which is Hell on Earth for muzrats.
    • 2016, Graham Edward Geddes, Keyboard Warriors: The Production of Islamophobic Identity and an Extreme Worldview within an Online Political Community:
      its time as a nation we made a stand and stop this madness before our country is taken over by these extremist rats if we was[sic] over there country building curchs[sic] and reading the bible we would be dead we need to stop these muzrat towl[sic] heads before its to late and at the same time get rid of this bullshit goverment[sic] THIS ENGLAND THIS OUR STREETS WE NEED TO TAKE THEM BACK. (Facebook user 21) Here we can identify the customary threat frame, whereby the “other,” regarded as inherently violent, was perceived to be moving closer to the precipice of taking over the nation. The user utilises the notion of “muzrat,” a not-uncommon expression within the networking sites.
    • 2018, Qoor Rema, Animosity Avenue:
      “If this plan involves smacking some fucking muzrats up, I'm well up for it” Joe called out from the sofa.