nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur





Latin, ”no one alleging his own turpitude is to be heard”.



nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur

  1. (law) No person may base an in rem right or legal claim against someone if the claimant has fulfilled the requirements for the acquisition of this right by an illegal act of his.
    • 1823, Supremo consiglio di giustizia, Tesoro del foro toscano, o sia, Raccolta delle decisioni del Supremo consiglio, volume 13 (in Italian), page 90:
      ...non potendosi dai Tribunali accogliere l'Istanze di coloro che allegano la violazione dei propri doveri come un mezzo di esimersi dal soddisfare alle contratte obbligazioni. Nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1866, Diogo Pereira Forjaz de Sampaio Pimentel, Livro segundo da parte primeira, tít. I-VIII, IX-XV (in Portuguese), page 387:
      Nunca a malicia aproveita a quem a emprega, e sempre o erro desfaz o que se fez com elle; ou, como dizem as leis romanas: «Nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur... Non videntur, qui errant, consentire» (a).
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1958, Law in Eastern Europe, number 16 (in English), page 104:
      The operation of the principle that nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur has been considerably curtailed in the public interest, and the resulting doctrine of recrimination is said to have a fundamental moral value.
    • 1969, Nikola Tintić, Radno i socijalno pravo: Radni odnosi (I) (in Serbo-Croatian and Latin), page 689:
      Ako nije izričito drukčije određeno, vrijede opća načela: ex turpi causa non oritur actio; nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur; in pari turpitudine potior est conditio possidentis.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1998, Roland Michael Beckmann, Nichtigkeit und Personenschutz: Parteibezogene Einschränkung der Nichtigkeit von Rechtsgeschäften (in German), page 149:
      III. Keine Aufnahme der gemeinrechtlichen Regel nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur in die Nichtigkeitslehre
      Im österreichischen Recht basiert die Anerkennung der relativen Nichtigkeit unter anderem auf dem gemeinrechtlichen Proverbium nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2010, Hugh Beale, Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson, Jacobien Rutgers, Contract Law: Ius Commune Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe (in English), page 1175:
      In France the courts invoke the principle nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur and in England the principle is that ex turpi causa non oritur actio...
    • 2005, Ildikó Basa, “Re-Codification of the Civil Code? Conception for Drafting the New Civil Code”, in Acta Juridica Hungarica[1] (in English), page 86:
      The general fundamental principle of nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur will be specified not only under the Introductory Provisions, but also in re invalidity, with the stipulation that the entity incurring the cause of nullity in an imputable manner may not refer to the invalidity of the contract.
    • 2020, Grzegorz Wolak, “O wydziedziczeniu z powodu uporczywego niedopełniania obowiązków rodzinnych względem spadkodawcy”, in Studia Prawnicze KUL (in Polish):
      Zgodnie z zasadą nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur ten, kto zawinił zerwanie więzów rodzinnych, nie może ze swej niegodziwości wywodzić korzystnych dla siebie skutków.
      According to the principle nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur, a person who is guilty of breaking family ties cannot derive any benefits for himself from his wickedness.