See also: nether-hair and nether hair



Alternative forms




From nether- +‎ hair.



netherhair (plural netherhairs)

  1. Hair on or around the lower parts of the body, specifically around the genital areas; pubic hair.
    • 2000, Shifra Horn, Dalya Bilu, Four Mothers: A Novel:
      On the smooth white flesh of the most beautiful of women they saw the black curls of her nether hair, coiling and glistening, covering and revealing.
    • 2008, Jean Johnson, The Flame:
      Aside from the need to scrape the occasional strand out of his way—both his head-hair and her nether-hair—Koranen let her play with his mane.
    • 2010, Martin Amis, Yellow Dog:
      My uh, netherhair is naturally minimalist, as they all are now. As everyone is now. Is that evolution too? Like men stopping having beards?
    • 2012, Jean Johnson, The Shifter:
      She couldn't quite bring herself to look at him—not with her face so red—but she asked, “Are your natural netherhairs this soft?” He choked again, coughed, cleared his throat, [...]