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nuces vomicae

  1. plural of nux vomica
    • 1654, George Fedro von Rodach, edited by Johann Andreas Schenck, Physicall and Chymicall Works [][1], page 58:
      ʒ iii. [3 drams] of the shavings of Nuces Vomicae
    • 1823 July, “Cramer on Strychnium”, in The Quarterly Journal of Foreign and British Medicine and Surgery [], volume 5, number 19, page 332:
      Dr. Cramer found, that by dividing the nuces vomicæ into very minute pieces, by steeping them long in hot water, and bruising them repeatedly in a mortar, he could extract much more strychnium from a given quantity of the article, []
    • 1874, Finlay Dun, Veterinary Medicines: Their Actions and Uses, page 407:
      These seeds, the nuces vomicæ, have a little umbilicus on their concave ventral surface, and, amidst the horny grey albumen towards the margin, lies the white embryo, with two heart-shaped, thin cotyledons.
    • 1915, The Poultry Item[2], volume 18, page 25:
      Source—From the seed of the Nuces Vomicae.