See also: oh my gosh and ohmygosh





oh, my gosh

  1. Alternative form of oh my gosh.
    • 2007, Sheila Roberts, On Strike for Christmas, London: Piatkus, published 2014, →ISBN, page 202:
      Laura had come straight from work, and she was already there, showing the others her children’s picture with Santa when Joy walked over to their table. / Sharon took it and cooed, “Bless their little hearts. That is absolutely priceless.” / “Is that what you call it?” Laura said with a scowl. / Kay peered over Sharon’s shoulder. “Oh, my gosh. That looks like something that should get passed around the Internet.”
    • 2012, Cynthia Gail, Winter’s Magic (Music City Hearts Series), Macedon, N.Y.: Soul Mate Publishing, →ISBN, page 121:
      “Beth, I’m so glad you were able to come. Oh, my gosh! That looks heavenly. Here, let me take it for you.” / “Thank you, Cheryl.” Beth handed her the dessert and followed as they headed in the opposite direction of Nick’s office.
    • 2015, Harvey Passes, Profiles in Dental Courage: How to Completely Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist, Success, Ltd., →ISBN, page 59:
      “Take a look at this. Here is where the cusp of your tooth should be. Clearly you can see that it is fractured off. If the tooth is not restored properly you will need a root canal procedure,” Sara stated quite plainly. / “Oh, my gosh! That looks horrible. I had no idea. I never felt anything. What should we do?”
    • 2016, Brooke St. James, chapter 11, in Meet Me in Myrtle Beach, →ISBN, page 109:
      Mia and Charlotte got done with their massages while I was still sitting in the chair checking out my new look. / "Oh, my gosh, that looks so good!" Charlotte said, seeing me for the first time. "It makes me want to cut bangs!"