





one's jig is up

  1. (idiomatic) Alternative form of the jig is up [for one].
    • 1836, Horatio Hastings Weld, "The Martyr to Science", in Corrected Proofs, Russell, Shattuck & Co., page 74,
      P.S. C'est en faitmy jig is up! While under the barber's hands this morning, a boy posted up in the shop the programme of a course of Phrenological Lectures!
    • 1920, Ethel and James Dorrance, Glory Rides the Range, The Macaulay Company, page 272,
      "You tell the lie!" she accused. "And you'd better quit, for your jig is up. I've got you right. […]"
    • 2006, Derrick Parker and Matt Diehl, Notorious C.O.P.: the inside story of the Tupac, Biggie, and Jam Master Jay investigations from the NYPD's first "hip-hop cop", St. Martin's Press, →ISBN, page 102,
      But I'd convinced a witness to come in, […] Sure enough, when we brought Marshall in for the lineup, she picked him right away. ¶ Marshall was naturally upset that his jig was up, […]