



oryzoid (not comparable)

  1. Of or pertaining to rice-like plants of the Oryzoideae.
    The oryzoid grasses were studied by the agrostologist.
    • 1995, K. M. Wong, The Morphology, Anatomy, Biology, and Classification of Peninsular Malaysian Bamboos:
      The fact that bambusoid and oryzoid grasses share certain anatomical features , such as embryo structure and the presence of fusoid and arm cells in the leaf blade, led some sytematists to include the oryzoid grasses with the Bambusoideae.



oryzoid (plural oryzoids)

  1. A grass of the subfamily Oryzoideae.
    • 1977, Harold Trevor Clifford, Identifying Grasses: Data, Methods and Illustrations, page 137:
      Of the smaller groupings in our classification, the oryzoids represent a small series of closely related genera, whose closest affinities may lie with the bamboos.
    • 1988, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, page 240:
      The Bambusoideae consist of three large groups: the woody bambusoids, represented in our area by tribe Bambuseae Dumor. (including tribe Arundinarieae Ascherson & Graebner); the herbaceous bambusoids, represented by tribes Phareae Stapf and Brachyelytreae Ohwi; and the oryzoids, represented by the Oryzeae Dumort.
    • 2008, Advances in Botanical Research, volume 47, page 248:
      Their analyses showed paraphyly for the bambusoid group that was close to oryzoids and pooids.