




  1. (uncommon, Eastern Christianity) The epigonation.
    • 2010, Michael Prokurat, Michael D. Peterson, Alexander Golitzin, The A to Z of the Orthodox Church, Scarecrow Press, →ISBN, page 337:
      The palitza, or diamond-shaped epigonation, signifies the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and is a senior award of the priesthood. At times in Greece this vestment has been employed to indicate the educated clergy who are ...
    • 2011, Gregory W. Woolfenden, A Practical Handbook for Divine Services, Holy Trinity Publications, →ISBN, section 3:
      If the priest has been awarded the palitza, he blesses it with the words Blessed be our God..., kisses the cross, and puts it on after the nabedrennik, on the right thigh. When vesting in the nabedrennik and the palitza, []