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From parliamentary +‎ -ism.



parliamentarism (usually uncountable, plural parliamentarisms)

  1. The system of government in which the executive branch is legitimised by parliament.
    • 1996, Gerhard Lehbruch, “From State of Authority to Network State: The German State in Developmental Perspective”, in Michio Muramatsu, Frieder Naschold, editors, State and Administration in Japan and Germany: A Comparative Perspective on Continuity and Change, page 49:
      England was the historical model for the adoption of parliamentarism and party government in Germany.
    • 2000, Mark Hewitson, National Identity and Political Thought in Germany: Wilhelmine Depictions of the French Third Republic, 1890—1914, page 220:
      German depictions of the Third Republic appeared to warn of the dangers of parliamentarism.
    • 2000, Werner J. Patzelt, “What can an Individual MP Do in German Parliamentary Politics?”, in Reuven Y. Hazan, Lawrence D. Longley, editors, The Uneasy Relationships Between Parliamentary Members and Leaders, page 23:
      This is why some observers argue that German parliamentarism has degenerated.
    • 2014, Jussi Kurunmäki, “7: Rhetoric Against Rhetoric: Swedish Parliamentarism and the Interwar Crisis of Democracy”, in Kari Palonen, José María Rosales, Tapani Turkka, editors, The Politics of Dissensus: Parliament in Debate, page 181:
      By the same token, he developed a categorisation of different parliamentarisms, in order to be able to describe Swedish minority cabinets as being parliamentary governments proper.
    • 2016, Pasi Ihalainen, European Parliamentary Experiences from a Conceptual Historical Perspective, Pasi Ihalainen, Cornelia Ilie, Kari Palonen (editors), Parliament and Parliamentarism: A Comparative History of a European Concept, 22,
      The history part comprises six national or regional (combining the Low Countries and Scandinavia) case studies of discursive processes that have defined parliamentarisms in some formative historical periods.



See also


