
English Wikipedia has an article on:



projective line (plural projective lines)

  1. (projective geometry) A line that includes a point at infinity; a line in a projective space; a projective space of dimension 1.
    • 2007, Unnamed translator, Ana Irene Ramírez Galarza, José Seade, Introduction to Classical Geometries, [2002, Introducciòn a la Geometria Avanzada], Springer (Birkhäuser), page 97,
      In  , the projective lines are defined by two projective points, that is, by two linearly independent directions of  ; if we take one vector for each direction, the two vectors generate a plane through the origin in  , that is, a subspace of dimension 2, and a projective line can be defined as follows:
      A projective line in  , consists of the projective points defined by coplanar directions in  .
      In other words, just as the points in   correspond to one-dimensional subspaces in  , the projective lines correspond to two-dimensional subspaces in  .
    • 2008, Catriona Maclean (translator), Daniel Perrin, Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction, [1995, D. Perrin, Géométrie algébrique] Springer, page 37,
      Consider the projective line  , with homogeneous coordinates   and   and open sets   and  .
    • 2009, Dirk Kussin, Noncommutative Curves of Genus Zero: Related to Finite Dimensional Algebras, American Mathematical Society, page 13:
      The projective line is related to the Kronecker algebra, [] In general one has to deal with the so-called weighted case which leads to the study of the canonical algebras and to the weighted projective lines (as Ringel pointed out in his survey [93]).



Derived terms




See also


Further reading
