



prop gun (plural prop guns)

  1. (film, television) A replica of a real gun, incapable of firing projectiles (thus not actually a firearm) used in making a movie or television production.
    • 2004, Technical Theater for Nontechnical People, page 196
      The only exception to this is in an extremely intimate theater where the audience can clearly see that a prop gun is being used. Other than that, there is no compelling reason to use a real gun on stage if the gun isn't fired.
    • 2004, Josephy Losey, page 36
      At one point Ernest grabs a machine gun and fires it at Reggie but it's only a studio prop: Prop gun, prop girls. Everything phoney.
    • 2007, Lessons in Becoming Myself, page 245
      I became frightened that Neil would find a way to switch the prop gun for a real gun.
    • 2007, Cherry Cheesecake Murder, page 353 (also page 1128 of the "Apple Turnover Murder Bundle" compiled in 2011)
      right, that's where Burke hid the prop gun after he put the real revolver in its place
      Everyone on the set saw Burke practice taking the prop gun out of the drawer right before the first take. He got his fingerprints on it then. And since he was using the real gun when he convinced Dean that he was having trouble doing the scene, his fingerprints are on that, too.
      right, that's where Burke hid the prop gun after he put the real revolver in its place
      Everyone on the set saw Burke practice taking the prop gun out of the drawer right before the first take. He got his fingerprints on it then. And since he was using the real gun when he convinced Dean that he was having trouble doing the scene, his fingerprints are on that, too.
    • 2010, Reel Murder, page 41
      It looked like Jeff was wielding a Beretta from where I sat, but of course, I knew it was only a harmless prop gun, designed to look lethal. He wouldn't be shooting real bullets. In fact, a prop gun wouldn't even take a real bullet.
    • 2012, Allergic to Death, page 225
      Adora brandished the prop gun as if it were real.
    • 2012, Seduced, page 30
      “I woke up holding a prop gun.” She dipped into the pocket of the slicker, slid a pistol across the table. Prop gun my ass. How about a freaking Beretta 92FS?
    • 2012, Responsibility and Criminal Liability, page 70
      David does not know that Derek keeps a loaded gun in the house, nor that Derek has neglected to bring the prop gun home for rehearsal. Seeing the real gun, David assumes it is the prop.
    • 2012, Big Bang, page 108
      She whipped the prop gun from beneath her towel. Only it wasn't a prop gun. The distraction of her sleek naked body didn't keep Jake from realizing a real lazgun had been substituted
    • 2013, The First Sense, page 171 (also 2016 in Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferants, page 238)
      Consider, for example, what happens if my friend only has a realistic-looking prop gun in her bag. If I didn't know it was a prop, seeing it would be very disturbing. However, once I learn that it's a prop, it is no longer disturbing.
    • 2014, A Charm of Powerful Trouble, page 216
      The night of the shooting, what should have been a prop gun turned out to be real. Carlotta insisted she'd brought the prop gun and someone must have switched it.
    • 2014, Riding Gain, page 296
      An amateur actor thinks an innocent bystander is another member of the cast and shoots him with what he thinks is a prop gun. Only it's the real thing
    • 2015, Scarface: The Ultimate Guide, page 51
      The gun is supposed to be a semi-automatic 9mm Beretta 92, but when Tony fires a single shot, the hammer stays down, the slide never recoils, and no casing is ever ejected. The gun is clearly a single-shot prop gun.
    • 2015, Saturday Night Dead, page 270
      "And put your gun away while you're at it. You look silly. And that looks like a prop gun."
      Harvey threw it on the gravel.
      "It is a prop gun, isn't it?"
      "Does it matter?" Harvey said.
      "If it were real and I could convince you to use it on me, it would matter. I'd rather be shot than jump."
    • 2016, Antiques Fate, page 198
      The prop gun is so realistic looking, it may have inspired the killer to strike first.
    • 2016, Fare Play, page 147
      “Marian,” Kelly said, perplexed, “it's a prop gun.” She was holding the weapon Carla had dropped to the floor. “This part where you're supposed to put the bullets in? It's solid. The holes are just painted on. And the trigger won't pull.”
    • 2016, Mash FAQ, page 349
      Throughout the episode he pulls it out to demonstrate being prepared, only to find that his gun has been replaced by a plunger, a prop gun, a water gun, and a stapler.
    • 2017, Literary Outings, page 19
      It was just a prop gun. Someone must have switched it with a real gun
      So you must have put a real gun where the prop gun was supposed to be.
    • 2018, Dirty Boulevard, page 20
      “It's a prop gun,” he gasped. “I got it from the soap. It's just a prop. I swear.”
    • 2018, Shooting on Location, page 126
      "And the gun wasn't a real gun. Want to know what it was? A prop. A movie prop."
      "The missing gun from set?"
      "The very same."
      "How did an armed robber get his hands on the missing prop gun? It was somebody from the crew, was it?"
    • 2018, Anthony Neilson Plays, page 318
      Hold on, that's not a prop! That's not a prop gun: Maxim – that's a real gun!
    • 2019, Toccata System Complete Trilogy page 276
      Who would think to check that a prop gun was actually a prop?
    • 2019, Towhee Get Your Gun, page 61
      "Is that a real gun?" August reached for the gun.
      I clamped my fingers on his arm. "No," I said. "Don't touch it. I fought the urge to vomit. The shocking sight of the bloody corpse had left me nauseous and light-headed.
      He looked at me quizzically. "Surely it's only a prop gun."
    • 2019, Trust Exercise, page 196
      The prop gun was a Colt replica with a wooden hand grip. Like any prop gun, it was a real-looking toy that did nothing.
    • 2020, Mystery Most Theatrical, page 18
      Jill was goofing off with what she had every reason to believe was a prop gun and not the real thing. Call it irony.
    • 2021, Dying to Audition, page 184
      Because you can't shoot me. Not with that prop gun.
    • 2021, The Long Shadow of Memory, page 42-43
      Edgar pulled the trigger on what was supposed to be a prop gun, and killed Jackson almost instantly. The reporter of the article theorized the prop gun must have been switched with a real gun.

