



From the Latin sculptrīx.





sculptrix (plural sculptrices)

  1. A woman who sculpts; a female sculptor; a sculptress.
    • 1826, James Silk Buckingham, editor, The Oriental Herald, and Journal of General Literature, volume X, page 114:
      The Honourable Anne Seymour Damer, sculptrix, was born in London, of parents the most illustrious[.]
    • 1888, John Beveridge MacKie, The Life and Work of Duncan McLaren, volume II, T. Nelson and sons, page 79:
      [F]ather had the pleasure of driving Mrs. Hill and her sister afterwards to a meeting of the Livingstone Memorial Committee in George Street, where we had cake and wine, and he, as Member for the city, proposed a vote of thanks to the gifted sculptrix in a beautiful little speech which came warm from his heart, and which she seemed much to appreciate.
    • 2001, Larissa Golden Brown and Martin John Brown, Demystifying Grant Seeking: What You Really Need to Do to Get Grants (Jossey-Bass; →ISBN, 9780787956509), page ?
      Wendy is a 29-year-old mixed media sculptrix with an MFA from Port University.