



Shitgibbon compound of shit +‎ muffin.



shitmuffin (plural shitmuffins)

  1. (colloquial, vulgar, derogatory) An obnoxious or contemptible person.
    • 1997 November 26, heather, “A little idea”, in alt.fan.piers-anthony[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-12:
      Listen, boyo! Why are you here? If you're not a fan (did you read the NAME of this newsgroup, shitmuffin?) then what you think has NO BEARING here. Go away and read whatever pathetic little novels you like instead of being a pisser. Okay? Clear?
    • 2001 May 6, Venger, “Juwan Howard did not mean to do that”, in alt.sports.basketball.nba.dallas-mavs[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-12:
      Look shitmuffin, I've dismantled your "points" one by one.
    • 2003 May 7, CassieIJ, “Celebrity Atitude”, in alt.gossip.celebrities[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-12:
      Some people are just real shitmuffins and would be that way even if they weren't celebrities. The fame, money and worship they receive on a daily basis just serves to puff up and already bloated ego.