



From snake case +‎ -ed.



snake-cased (not comparable)

  1. In snake case.
    • 2013, Adam Gamble, Cloves Carneiro Jr., Rida Al Barazi, Beginning Rails 4, Apress, →ISBN, page 32:
      The model name may be given in camel-cased or snake-cased format, and options can be provided if you want to automatically populate the resulting migration with column information.
    • 2014, Jon Cowie, Customizing Chef: Getting the Most Out of Your Infrastructure Automation, O’Reilly Media, Inc., →ISBN, page 269:
      This list is stored as a Hash, where each key is a “snake-cased” representation of the class name and each value is a Class object representing the class itself.
    • 2017, Barrett Clark, Data Visualization Toolkit: Using JavaScript, Rails, and Postgres to Present Data and Geospatial Information (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series), Addison-Wesley, →ISBN:
      It’s idiomatic to use lowercased, snake-cased field names.
    • 2017, Anthony Gore, Full-Stack Vue.js 2 and Laravel 5, Packt, →ISBN, page 79:
      The argument of the command should be a snake-cased description of what the migration will do: $ php artisan make:migration create_listings_table
    • 2017, Tom Marrs, JSON at Work: Practical Data Integration for the Web, O’Reilly Media, Inc., →ISBN, page 65:
      awrence converts snake-cased Hash keys to camel case, which you can then convert to camel-cased JSON.
    • 2018, Stephan Hagemann, Component-Based Rails Applications: Large Domains Under Control (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series), Addison-Wesley, →ISBN:
      This is because, as discussed in Appendix B, the dummy app mounts the engine under test at its snake-cased name by default, which is app_component in our case.
    • 2020, Joshua Romphf, Code a Minecraft Mod in JavaScript Step by Step, Rosen Publishing, →ISBN, page 187:
      For starters, the names are all camel cased rather than snake cased, and you can also pass in a parameter that specifies the amount of items in the ItemStack to be returned.
    • 2020, Josh Cutler, Matt Dickenson, Computational Frameworks for Political and Social Research with Python (Textbooks on Political Analysis), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, →ISBN, page 41:
      By convention, class names are capitalized (Animal), variable names are lower-cased (fido), and function names are “snake-cased” (compute_square_root()).
    • 2021, Adam Woodbeck, Network Programming with Go: Code Secure and Reliable Network Services from Scratch, San Francisco, Calif.: No Starch Press, →ISBN, pages 280–281:
      Each field definition includes a type, a snake-cased name, and a field number unique to the message.