



A term originally used by sportscasters to address the viewing public, later generalized to non-sports contexts.



sports fan (plural sports fans)

  1. A familiar form of address, a jocular term of endearment.
    • 2005 November 27, Chris Sheridan, “The Fat Guy Strangler”, in Family Guy, season 4, episode 17, production code 4ACX20:
      Patrick: "Peter, you shouldn't encourage people to be fat. Fat people are immoral."
      Peter: "How do you figure, sports fan?"
      Patrick: "They're just bad, like that Jackie Gleason."
    • 2007 July 11, Jim Schembri, “The Shameless Thrills of Schadenfreude”, in The Age:
      "So listen up, sports fan. You just might learn something. "
    • 2013, Anne Serling, As I Knew Him: My Dad, Rod Serling, Citadel Press:
      "That's an expression my dad uses a lot. He calls people "sports fan." "How you doing there, sports fan?"
  2. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see sports,‎ fan.