



subReddit (plural subReddits)

  1. Rare form of subreddit.
    • 2013, Bill Kte’pi, “Steve Huffman”, in the editors of Salem Press, Internet Innovators, Ipswich, Mass.: Salem Press, EBSCO Publishing/Grey House Publishing, →ISBN, pages 185–186:
      SubReddits are key to the feel of Reddit, and they number in the tens of thousands. On the front page is a default list of subReddits: funny, pics, announcements, blog, askReddit, worldnews, gaming, todayilearned, politics, science, WTF, IAmA, videos, technology, music, atheism, AdviceAnimals, aww, movies, and bestof. Capitalization and grammar in subReddit naming is rather inconsistent. [] The largely uncensored nature of Reddit has led to a number of controversial subReddits, the most famous of which was the “jailbait” subReddit, which included user-submitted photos of underage minors; []
    • 2014, Brian Carroll, Writing and Editing for Digital Media, 2nd edition, New York, N.Y., Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, →ISBN, pages 235 and 271:
      Together, these votes organize and prioritize the thousands of posts going up in Reddit’s more than 5,000 categories, called subReddits. [] Decide on a page title and select a “subReddit” category for your reporting. You will want to browse the subReddit categories. SubReddits you might choose from include Advertising, Journalism, Public Relations, News, or Photojournalism. Subscribing to some subReddit categories will order or organize your homepage and cut down on the clutter.
    • 2016, Joeri Van den Bergh, Mattias Behrer, How Cool Brands Stay Hot: Branding to Generation Y and Z, 3rd edition, London: Kogan Page, →ISBN, page 173:
      Reddit is a massive site founded in 2005, consisting of many, many different subsites, conveniently called ‘subReddits’. These range from broads topics such as ‘/r/funny’, ‘/r/gaming’ or ‘/r/jokes’ to very specific subReddits like ‘/r/Sneakers’, which simply discusses all kinds of sneaker shoes and has no less than 50,000 subscribers or so-called ‘Sneakerheads’. Similarly, there is also a subReddit made entirely for lovers of the fantasy cards game ‘Magic: The Gathering’, gathering almost 133,000 fans of the game together. All of these subReddits are little separate hubs from the main portal with a group of like-minded people sharing a deep interest of the same topic.