



Blend of talisman +‎ woman



taliswoman (plural taliswomen)

  1. A talisman in the form of a female figure.
    • 2012, Matthew Gavin Frank, Pot Farm, →ISBN, page 206:
      We stare into the bottomless laminated eyes of the Virgen de Guadalupe, Hector's taliswoman against Katrina and his own dead family, and now ours against the silencing of Gloria.
    • 2012, William Hjortsberg, Jubilee Hitchhiker: The Life and Times of Richard Brautigan, →ISBN:
      When Beverly Allen left the Geary Street apartment for her family home in Oakland later that night, she gave Brautigan the painted Mexican doll (her “taliswoman”) as a keepsake.
    • 2017, Amy Sara Carroll, REMEX: Toward an Art History of the NAFTA Era, →ISBN, page 188:
      She then scattered these taliswomen throughout The Birth of Venus, putting some in boxes, using others to line walls.
    • 2018, Rosie Walsh, The Man Who Didn't Call:
      'She's been with me through a lot,' he smiled. 'She's my taliswoman. Anyway. Cheers.'