



From tru- (true, genuine) +‎ scum.





truscum (plural truscum)

  1. (slang, usually derogatory) A person who believes that gender dysphoria is an essential trait to being transgender.
    Synonyms: transmedicalist, transmed
    Antonym: tucute (slang)
    • 2013, Alexander Wijnants, "Identity of Neurology Social Media and the Politician versus Medicalization of Trans People", Synaesthesia: Communication Across Cultures, ISSN 1883-5953, Volume 1, Number 4, Spring 2013, page 131:
      The term 'truscum', meant to be an epithet directed at the medicalization supporters, came into usage through an often-referenced post by tumblr user transstingray [... in 2012] a 'truscum' individual believes that all trans people should identify as transsexual, identify within the binary, use only male or female pronouns [] . The term is derived from 'true transsexual' and 'scum' [] . Although 'truscum' was originally meant to be a derogatory term, it has since been reclaimed and redefined to mean an individual who believes that one needs to experience sex-based dysphoria in order to be trans, and that transsexualism is a medical condition. It has now transcended its original purpose and has become a term with which the supporters of medicalization identify themselves.
    • 2013, Alexander Wijnants, "Identity of Neurology Social Media and the Politician versus Medicalization of Trans People", Synaesthesia: Communication Across Cultures, ISSN 1883-5953, Volume 1, Number 4, Spring 2013, page 134:
      The truscum, or medical supporters, use basic, non-radical goals and a reliance on empirical evidence to develop and support a self-concept of being the more rational and realistic group within the debate.
    • 2014, Zoe Kilbourn, "PSA, UWU: Tumblr, Gender, and Gaga", Pelican (University of Western Australia), Volume 85, Edition 6, circa September 2014, page 9:
      That, in summary, is the tone taken by the very recently developed factions of quote unquote social justice warriors, trans and trans* activists, truscum, radfems; []
    • 2015, Henrx Holmes, "Unmanned", No HeterOx (Oxford, UK), page 7 (approx.):
      Even among wonderful and truscum-battling friends I still avoid the label trans, instead occasionally asking for 'they' pronouns to be used and trying to talk of men as an outsider.

