



From un- +‎ charity.



uncharity (usually uncountable, plural uncharities)

  1. Absence of charity.
    Synonyms: discharity, incharity, uncharitableness
    • 1881, James Payn, Some Private Views[1]:
      There are, indeed, many who have a special facility for languages, but in their case (with a few exceptions) one may say without uncharity that the acquisition of ideas is not their object, though if they did acquire them they would probably be new ones.
    • 1908, E. F. Benson, The Blotting Book[2]:
      Kindly and charitable all through and ever eager to draw out the good in everybody and forgive the bad, Mr. Taynton had often occasion to deplore the hardness and uncharity of a world which remembers youthful errors and hangs them, like a mill-stone, round the neck of the offender, and it warmed his heart and kindled his smile to think of one case at any rate where a youthful misdemeanour was lived down and forgotten.