Afrikaans edit

Etymology edit

From Dutch vooral.

Pronunciation edit

Adverb edit


  1. especially, above all
  2. most of the time, usually

Catalan edit

Etymology edit

Unknown. Perhaps from Vulgar Latin *variāle, from Latin varius.

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit

veral m (plural verals)

  1. a plot of land, especially a sown field clearly distinguishable from the ones adjoining it
  2. a cluster of farmhouses outside of a village or town
    • 2017, Francesc Forn i Salvà, “La creació del poble modern Arenys de Munt, segles XVI al XVIII”, in Trobada d’Entitats de Recerca Local i Comarcal del Maresme[1], volume 11, →ISSN:
      Tot i compartir una mateixa parròquia, la majoria dels verals mostraven poca comunicació entre ells, així com una separació física i mental important.
      Despite sharing the same parish, the majority of the hamlets evinced little communication among themselves, just as they demonstrated an important physical and mental separation.
  3. (usually in the plural) parts, area, neck of the woods
  4. (in the plural) vicinity, surrounding area, environs

Further reading edit