





vispelliō m (genitive vispelliōnis); third declension

  1. (Late Latin) a thief who specialises in stealing the clothes the dead are buried in
    • c. 530, Digest 36.1.7
      Sed sciendum est inpendiōrum quoque, quae ad iter explicandum necessāria essent, ratiōnem habērī dēbēre: nam sī ita īnstitūtus esset "sī Titiō decem dedisset", nōn aliter cōgerētur, quam sī eī pecūnia offerātur. Sed et salūtis ac dignitātis ratiō habenda erit: quid enim sī morbō applicitus Alexandrīae iussus fuit adīre vel nōmen vispelliōnis testātōris ferre?
      It should be noted that, in a case of this kind, an account of the necessary travelling expenses must be required. For if the heir was appointed under the condition of paying ten aurei to Titius, he cannot be compelled to accept the estate unless the money is tendered to the person entitled to it. Moreover, the condition of health and the rank of the heir must be taken into consideration. But what if, while he was suffering from illness, he would be ordered to go to Alexandria, or take the name of the testator, a grave robber?



Third-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative vispelliō vispelliōnēs
Genitive vispelliōnis vispelliōnum
Dative vispelliōnī vispelliōnibus
Accusative vispelliōnem vispelliōnēs
Ablative vispelliōne vispelliōnibus
Vocative vispelliō vispelliōnēs

See also



  • vispellio”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • vispellio in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.