



From war +‎ hungry.



warhungry (comparative more warhungry, superlative most warhungry)

  1. Advocating war.
    Synonyms: bellicist, bellicistic, bellicose, hawkish, militaristic
    Antonyms: anti-bellicist, dovish, pacific, pacifist, pacifistic, peaceful
    • 2000 May 31, Anders Honore, “weather report”, in alt.philosophy.zen[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-02:
      UK?!? Those tights-wearing slops? Never! The blood of warhungry vikings flows in my blood! I'm Danish!!!!! And you?
    • 2001 November 8, GD, “Cluster Bombs”, in aus.politics[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-02:
      The thing that surprised me most about the figures were:
      1. How warhungry India and Israel are. While on average, about 20% of the worlds population think the USA ought to attack a country found responsible, it rises to 54% in the USA (as one might expect), but its[sic] a massive 72% and 77% in India and Israel!
    • 2003 April 7, Herbert, “Next stop: N-Korea”, in us.politics[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-02:
      If America goes to war with North-Korea I am absolutely sure that even if North-Korea is likely to loose,[sic] the vast majority of the world will cheer if America gets punched in ways that make Pearl Harbor and September 11th look like Thanksgiving.
      That would teach warhungry America a good lesson and make people in most poor countries celebrate.
    • 2003 July 15, pork'n'stuffing, “Franklin Mint & Diana”, in soc.culture.british[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-02:
      Face it, Americans suck. Theyre the most warhungry nutters on the face of the planet
    • 2012 September 25, Jos Boersema, “Jews and Communism”, in soc.culture.jewish[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-02:
      You are going to be destroyed, the world perhaps not going to be a better place because of that, but the most warhungry Empire in the world will have met its well deserved fate.
    • 2014 September 11, Bassos, “The Quran - The Final Revelation to Mankind”, in alt.magick[6] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-03-02:
      And when everybody around you is a warhungry savage;
      going full out peace loving tree hugging save the planet mode did not work.