English edit

English Wikipedia has an article on:

Noun edit

white slime (uncountable)

  1. (informal, dysphemistic) A poultry byproduct in the form of a paste that is mechanically separated through a high-pressure sieve, and used in cheap food products.
    • 2014, Dr. Chris Baker, REAL (page 86)
      The related “pink slime” or “white slime” are from red meat or poultry meat, and are processed into a product that was originally used only in pet food and not approved for human consumption.
    • 2014, M. Pinkhasov, ‎R. Nair, Real Luxury
      Then came the uproar about the “pink slime” and “white slime” processed meats used to fill out the volumes of their beef and chicken products.
    • 2021, Giles Yeo, Why Calories Don't Count:
      The resulting product is essentially the poultry equivalent of 'pink slime' above ... 'white slime' if you would. Mechanically separated poultry is allowed to be sold in the EU.

Quotations edit

Related terms edit