Sranan Tongo




Compound of yesi (ear) +‎ mama (mother).






  1. (anatomy) eardrum
    • 1975, Edgar Cairo, “Wan pisi fu libi [A piece of life]”, in Ursy M. Lichtveld, Jan Voorhoeve, editors, Creole drum. An Anthology of Creole Literature in Surinam[1], New Haven, London: Yale University Press, →ISBN, page 256:
      Mi no ben kan tan arki den betiyesi tori fu Basedi, bika na bigisma no ben lobi te pikinnengre mofo e warsi na ini en tori efu den bradi den yesimama e arki.
      I couldn't stay to listen to the ear-catching stories of Master Edi, because the old man didn't like it when children's mouths wandered into his tale if they had stretched their eardrums and were listening in.
    • 2007, “Yehovah kibri wi libi na a ten fu den ogri-ati tirimakti [Jehovah saved our lives in the time of the malicious regimes]”, in Jehovah's Witnesses[2]:
      A bom sutu so tranga taki a broko mi yesimama. Furu yari langa mi no ben man yere bun, ma te fu kaba mi yesi kon betre baka.
      The bomb exploded so loudly that it broke my eardrums. For many years I couldn't hear well, but in the end my ears healed again.