Chinese edit

leisurely; relaxed; comfortable leisurely; relaxed; comfortable
trad. (悠哉悠哉) 悠哉 悠哉
simp. #(悠哉悠哉) 悠哉 悠哉

Etymology edit

From the Classic of Poetry, poem 1 (《詩經·周南·關雎》):

[Pre-Classical Chinese, trad.]
[Pre-Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Classic of Poetry, c. 11th – 7th centuries BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Qiú zhī bù dé, wùmèi sīfú.
Yōuzāi yōuzāi, zhǎnzhuǎn fǎncè.
He sought her and found her not, and waking and sleeping he thought about her.
Long he thought; oh! long and anxiously; on his side, on his back, he turned, and back again.

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. (literary) extremely longing
  2. leisurely and carefree; free and unconstrained