English edit

English Wikipedia has an article on:
porcelain dish with scalloped margins
Norman scalloped capital

Etymology edit

scallop +‎ -ed. In culinary sense, originally referred to a seafood dish baked and served in a scallop shell, but now used more generally.

Verb edit


  1. simple past and past participle of scallop

Adjective edit

scalloped (comparative more scalloped, superlative most scalloped)

  1. Having an edge or border marked with semicircles.
  2. Cooked gratin; baked in a typical type of sauce, usually with cheese, as a casserole, e.g. scalloped potatoes; scalloped corn
  3. Baked in a scallop shell.

Synonyms edit

Derived terms edit

Translations edit

Anagrams edit