Old Church Slavonic edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Slavic *kъňiga.

Noun edit

кън҄игꙑ (kŭnʹigyf pl

  1. (plural only) letters, writing
    Synonym: писмѧ (pismę)
    • from the Life of Good King Wencelaus:
      Навꙑчє жє кънигꙑ словѣньскꙑѩ и латиньскꙑѩ добрѣ.
      Navyče že kŭnigy slověnĭskyję i latinĭskyję dobrě.
      He learned well the Slavonic and Latin letters.
  2. (plural only) book, books
  3. (plural only) scriptures
    • from О писменехь:
      ст҃ыи кꙍстаннти́нъ философъ нарицаемыи ки́рилъ. тъ̏ намь пи́смена створи и҆ книгы прѣложи.
      st:yi kostanntínŭ filosofŭ naricaemyi kírilŭ. tŭ̏ namĭ písmena stvori i҆ knigy prěloži.
      Saint Constantine the Philosopher, called Cyril. He made letters for us and translated the scriptures.

Declension edit

Related terms edit

References edit

  • Mali staroslavensko-hrvatski rječnik, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2004

Further reading edit