


Alternative scripts






जिघांसति (jíghāṃsati) third-singular indicative (type P, desiderative, root हन्)

  1. to wish to kill or destroy or harm
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 2.23.12:
      अदे॑वेन॒ मन॑सा॒ यो रि॑ष॒ण्यति॑ शा॒सामु॒ग्रो मन्य॑मानो॒ जिघां॑सति। बृह॑स्पते॒ मा प्रण॒क्तस्य॑ नो व॒धो नि क॑र्म म॒न्युं दु॒रेव॑स्य॒ शर्ध॑तः॥
      ádevena mánasā yó riṣaṇyáti śāsā́mugró mányamāno jíghāṃsati. bṛ́haspate mā́ práṇaktásya no vadhó ní karma manyúm durévasya śárdhataḥ.
      Whosoever with ungodly mind harms us, who, considering himself powerful in commands seeks to do us harm
      Let not his deadly blow reach us, O Bṛhaspati; may we humiliate the strong ill-doer's wrath.
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 6.75.19:
      यो नः॒ स्वो अर॑णो॒ यश्च॒ निष्ट्यो॒ जिघां॑सति। दे॒वास्तं सर्वे॑ धूर्वन्तु॒ ब्रह्म॒ वर्म॒ ममान्त॑रम्॥
      yó naḥ svó áraṇo yáśca níṣṭyo jíghāṃsati. devā́stám sárve dhūrvantu bráhma várma mámā́ntaram.
      Whoso would want to kill us, whether he be a strange foe or one of us,
      May all the gods discomfit him. My nearest, closest armour is prayer.
    • c. 700 CE – 900 CE, Bhāgavata Purāṇa 4.14.11:
      निरूपितः प्रजापालः स जिघांसति वै प्रजाः। तथापि सान्‍त्वयेमामुं नास्मांस्तत्पातकं स्पृशेत्॥
      nirūpitaḥ prajāpālaḥ sa jighāṃsati vai prajāḥ. tathāpi sān‍tvayemāmuṃ nāsmāṃstatpātakaṃ spṛśet.
      We appointed this king of the state in order to give protection to the citizens, but he desires to harm them. Despite all these discrepancies, we should at once try to pacify him. By doing so, we may not be touched by the sinful results caused by him.

Further reading
