ἐν παραβύστῳ

Ancient Greek




Prepositional phrase


ἐν πᾰρᾰβύστῳ (en parabústōi)

  1. sneakily, on the sly, in a hole-and-corner
    • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Demosthenes, Against Timocrates 47:
      οὐκ εἰς τὴν βουλήν, οὐκ εἰς τὸν δῆμον εἰπὼν περὶ τούτων οὐδέν, ἐν παραβύστῳ, τῆς βουλῆς μὲν ἀφειμένης, τῶν δ’ ἄλλων διὰ τὴν ἑορτὴν ἱερομηνίαν ἀγόντων, λάθρα τὸν νόμον εἰσήνεγκεν.
      ouk eis tḕn boulḗn, ouk eis tòn dêmon eipṑn perì toútōn oudén, en parabústōi, tês boulês mèn apheiménēs, tôn d’ állōn dià tḕn heortḕn hieromēnían agóntōn, láthra tòn nómon eisḗnenken.
      [Timocrates ...] without laying any proposition before the Council or before the Assembly, on the sly, when the Council stood adjourned, and everybody was holiday-making in honor of the festival, he brought in his bill surreptitiously.
      English translation (1939) by A. T. Murray. @perseus.tuftus.edu
    • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Topics 157a:(VIII)
      Διὸ καὶ λανθάνουσιν ἐνίοτε οἱ ἐρωτῶντες ἐν παραβύστῳ προστιθέντες ἃ καθ’ αὑτὰ προτεινόμενα οὐκ ἂν τεθείη.
      Diò kaì lanthánousin eníote hoi erōtôntes en parabústōi prostithéntes hà kath’ hautà proteinómena ouk àn tetheíē.
      That is why, the ones who ask questions are occasionally not detected, by sneakily adding propositions which would not stand separately.


  • Greek: εν παραβύστω (en paravýsto) (learned)