See also: 黄道吉日

Chinese edit

ecliptic first day of a lunar month; auspicious day
trad. (黃道吉日) 黃道 吉日
simp. (黄道吉日) 黄道 吉日

Etymology edit

This traces back to the days when people superstitiously believed that the point the Earth is at on its orbit around the sun has an effect on how auspicious a given day in the lunar calendar would turn out. This would influence when people would go travelling, get married, open a business and etc. Literally: "the Earth orbit around the sun and auspicious day"

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. (idiomatic) an auspicious day in the lunar calendar on which a certain activity such as marriage is favoured.

Japanese edit

For pronunciation and definitions of 黃道吉日 – see the following entry.
[noun] (religion) in Onmyodo, an auspicious day to carry out an activity
(This term, 黃道吉日, is the kyūjitai of the above term.)