



𐩣𐩢𐩰𐩵 (mḥfd)

  1. tower, bastion
    • c. 525 BCE, Glaser 1155 = M 247 = RES 3022 = B-M 257[1], edited, translated and put in context in Höfner, Maria, Mlaker, Karl, Rhodokanakis, Nikolaus (1934) “Zur altsüdarabischen Epigraphik und Archäologie II”, in Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes[2] (in German), volume 41, pages 69–106, while insufficiently in Grimme, Hubert (1932) “Die Bedeutung des Eigennamens 𐩱𐩱𐩦𐩧 in Glaser 1155 und 1083 sowie Weiteres zu Gl. 1155”, in Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes[3] (in German), volume 39, pages 227–245:
      […] 𐩯𐩡𐩱 𐩽 𐩥𐩨𐩬𐩺 𐩽 𐩥𐩪𐩤𐩬𐩺 𐩽 𐩫𐩲𐩻𐩩𐩧 𐩽 𐩹𐩤𐩨𐩳𐩣 𐩽 𐩮𐩢𐩰𐩩𐩬 𐩽 𐩩𐩬𐩲𐩣 𐩽 𐩱𐩬𐩰 𐩽 𐩣𐩥𐩪𐩣 𐩽 𐩲𐩳𐩣 𐩽 𐩥𐩩𐩤𐩧𐩣 𐩽 𐩨𐩬 𐩽 𐩱𐩦𐩧𐩪 𐩽 𐩲𐩵 𐩽 𐩦𐩺𐩧𐩬 𐩽 𐩥𐩣𐩲𐩹𐩧𐩪 𐩽 𐩱𐩨𐩬𐩣 𐩽 𐩫𐩡 𐩽 𐩮𐩢𐩰𐩩 𐩽 𐩨𐩺𐩬 𐩽 𐩣𐩢𐩰𐩵𐩬𐩺𐩠𐩬 𐩽 𐩼𐩧𐩨𐩬 𐩽 𐩥𐩡𐩨𐩱𐩬 𐩽 𐩨𐩫𐩨𐩥𐩵𐩩 𐩽 𐩥𐩱𐩫𐩧𐩨 𐩽 𐩩𐩫𐩧𐩨 𐩽 𐩲𐩻𐩩𐩧 𐩽 𐩹𐩤𐩨𐩹𐩣 𐩽 𐩱𐩠𐩡 𐩽 𐩪𐩨𐩧𐩧 𐩽 𐩥𐩺𐩱𐩩𐩣𐩧 𐩽 𐩥𐩪𐩩𐩧𐩳𐩥 𐩽 𐩲𐩻𐩩𐩧 𐩽 𐩹𐩤𐩨𐩳 𐩽 𐩨𐩫𐩨𐩥𐩵𐩩𐩬 𐩽 𐩥𐩱𐩫𐩧𐩨𐩬 𐩽 𐩣𐩨𐩬𐩺 𐩽 𐩮𐩢𐩰𐩩𐩬
      […] s³lʾ wbny ws¹qny kʿṯtr ḏqbḍm ṣḥftn tnʿm ʾnf mws¹m ʿḍm wtqrm bn ʾs²rs¹ ʿd s²yrn wmʿḏrs¹ ʾbnm kl ṣḥft byn mḥfdnyhn ẓrbn wlbʾn bkbwdt wʾkrb tkrb ʿṯtr ḏqbḏm ʾhl s¹brr wyʾtmr ws¹trḍw ʿṯtr ḏqbḍ bkbwdtn wʾkrbn mbny ṣḥftn
      […] they paid and built and dedicated to ʿAṯtar of QBḌ the moat [called] tnʿm, the wall flush-fitted [to a scarp] from wood and of hewed stones, from the fundament up to the top, and the counterscarp from stones: the whole moat between the two towers ẓrbn and lbʾn, from levies and offerings offered to ʿAṯtar of QBḌ, which they performed. And thus ʿAṯtar of QBḌ convened and confirmed the levies and offerings for the construction of the moat.
    • (Can we date this quote?), M 151; RES 2929[4]:
      𐩫𐩡𐩽 𐩣𐩡𐩨𐩬𐩺𐩽 𐩣𐩢𐩰𐩵𐩬𐩠𐩬 𐩽 𐩹𐩢𐩰𐩬 𐩽 𐩥𐩡𐩨𐩱𐩬 𐩽 𐩥𐩮𐩢𐩰𐩩 𐩽 𐩨𐩺𐩬 […]
      kl mbny mḥfdnhn ḏ-Ḥfn w-Lbʾn w-ṣḥft byn
      all the construction of the two towers ḏ-Ḥfn and Lbʾn, and the moat between […]