See also: -енький

Russian edit

Alternative forms edit

Pronunciation edit

  • -енько: IPA(key): [ʲɪnʲkə]
  • -е́нько: IPA(key): [ˈʲenʲkə]

Suffix edit

-енько or -е́нько (-enʹko or -énʹko)

  1. Suffix used to form (often colloquial) diminutive adverbs from other adverbs. Often, the diminutive meaning is lost, or an intensifying meaning is imparted.
    давно́ (davnó, long ago) + ‎-енько (-enʹko) → ‎давне́нько (davnénʹko, long ago, for quite a while)
    хорошо́ (xorošó, good) + ‎-енько (-enʹko) → ‎хороше́нько (xorošénʹko, very well, thoroughly, properly)
    я́сно (jásno, clear, got it, I see) + ‎-енько (-enʹko) → ‎я́сненько (jásnenʹko, okey dokey)

Usage notes edit

  • This suffix is not used after roots ending in г, к, х, where -онько (-onʹko) is used instead.

Derived terms edit