Appendix:Glossary of paintball

Paintball jargon has evolved to describe the unique nature of paintball and paintball equipment, as well as various tactics, phenomena, and people found in the game. Many of the terms are neologisms, while others are borrowed from gamer and military culture.

Every paintball field has its own unique set of jargon for various obstacles, bunkers, and landmarks unique to the site. Prospective players should familiarize themselves with the local jargon used by other players beforehand.

General paintball terms

  • Agg - A shortened version of "aggressive" when referring to a player's appearance, not their playing style. Popularized by the Hostile Kids (HK) team of Southern California.
  • Anti-Chop Eye - A detection system on electronic markers used to determine the status of the breech. There are three types:
    • Reflective eyes use an infrared sensor to measure the amount of reflected infrared light from the bolt or paintball shell. These systems have greater capability to distinguish the reflecting object and its speed, but can have problems detecting darker paintball shells.
    • Break beam eyes use an infrared emitter and detector directly opposite each other, detecting objects when the sensor stops receiving light.
    • "Laser" eyes use emitters in the visible spectrum to easily ensure that they are not blocked by debris or build-up.
  • Aztec - A bunker that has slanted sides and a flat top. Similar to the shape of Aztec pyramids.
  • Back Player
    • A player who provides support for the rest of the team, suppressing opponents and communicating with more forward players who often have a restricted view of the field.
  • Baller - A person who participates in the sport of paintball.
  • Barrel Back
    • The piece of a two- or three-piece barrel (usually a kit) which attaches directly to the breech of a marker and is usually honed to a specific bore size or holds the insert of a specific removable bore sleeve.
  • Barrel Blocking Device (BBD) - Commonly called "barrel plugs", "barrel socks", or "barrel condoms". Plastic barrel plugs are inserted into the barrel to prevent paintballs from exiting in case of accidental fire. These are not entirely safe, however, as subsequent shots will eventually dislodge the plug; The latter two are terms for the same thing: a plastic cover or canvas bag secured to the paintball marker with an elastic strap. Barrel socks can withstand multiple paintballs and are generally required over plugs at tournament or large-game settings.
  • Bird Dogging - When a referee checks for paint on a player and inadvertantly makes the oppostion aware of his position that was previously unknown.
  • Blind Firing - To shoot your marker over or around cover without looking where you are aiming. Generally against the rules, as players could inadvertently hit somebody who is already out or a referee.
  • Bounce
    • A paintball making contact with a player without breaking. Such paintballs usually 'bounce' off and do not count as an elimination.
    • A term referring to a trigger set-up which causes more than one firing cycle to occur with only one pull of the trigger. This can be caused by electronic signals being misinterpreted by the board as more than one trigger pull, or by the trigger mechanically actuating the switch more than once. Excessive trigger bounce is banned by most sanctioning bodies, and markers are repeatedly tested to ensure that bounce is not present during tournaments, with players violating the rules receiving penalties or disqualification.
  • BPS - Balls per second. A measure of rate of fire.
  • Break/Breakout
    • The start of the game. It is usually signaled by the head referee calling out "Go go go!", blowing a whistle, or sounding a horn.
    • A broken paintball inside the marker.
  • Brick
    • A rectangular bunker shaped like a large construction brick. Often available in "small" and "large" versions.
    • A paintball marker which is broken and has been deemed not worth fixing by its owner.
  • Bunker - An obstacle on the field of play used to block opposing players' view and field of fire.
  • Bunkering - The action of one player eliminating another player hiding behind a bunker. This is usually achieved when the player behind the bunker is trapped, distracted, or preoccupied, allowing an opposing player to run up to the player's bunker and shoot directly over the bunker or around the side.
  • Bunker Hugging - Keeping the barrel of a marker pressed against the side of a bunker to create the smallest possible profile that still allows the player to shoot.
  • Bunker Tag - When one player runs up to an opposing bunker and physically "tags" it to eliminate all players in or behind it. This rule is fairly common in recreational walk-on fields to limit bunkering against less-experienced players.
  • B.Y.O.P - An acronym representing "Bring your own paint"
  • Can - A paintball bunker which is tall and cylindrical. Also known as a "stand-up", "beer can", or "tower".
  • Car Wash- A paintball bunker that has a rectangular-shaped bottom and a top curved width-wise, resembling a large rollie cut in half.
  • Cheater Board - A term used to refer to altered or specifically-programmed marker electronics which allow ramping that is hidden or undetectable upon a normal inspection. This was a common name for ramping software when it first came onto the paintball scene, as there was little or no ruling in place to standardize a marker's rate of fire. Ramping is not always considered cheating, and modern tournaments typically allow ramping. Template:reference needed
  • Chop - A paintball broken by the bolt engaging it before it is fully seated in the chamber (as opposed to a ball that is broken in the barrel). This is more common in inexpensive markers without anti-chop systems.
  • Circuit Board - A circuit board serves as the central electronic component of any electric paintball marker. The board contains or receives input from the trigger switch and controls actuation of the solenoid which commences a firing cycle. This board allows for a lighter and shorter trigger pull than most mechanical markers are capable of. Many stock and aftermarket boards will also allow for different firing modes, such as ramping, "rebound" (firing on pull and release) and fully-automatic modes. If so equipped, the board will also interpret a signal from the "eyes" of a marker and control the firing cycles accordingly.
  • Clustering - When a team clutters together to form a group of players. They can travel quickly by providing cover for themselves.
  • Cocker - Slang for "Autococker" (a gun that uses external pneumatics to cycle the bolt and recock the hammer)
  • Contract Killer - A player who is paid for playing paintball, normally a professional or semi-pro player.
  • Covering Fire - Supporting fire for a player who is moving out of cover.
  • Dry Firing - Discharging a marker without paintballs loaded.
  • Darting - A quick run from obstacle to obstacle while being fired at.
  • Dead Box - The area where eliminated players are sent.
  • Dead Man Walking
    • A tactic, or the player applying it, in which they pretend to be eliminated without specifically confirming it, and shoot at opponents who they trick. Viewed as dishonorable by most players and against the rules of almost all tournaments.
    • In woodsball and scenario games, players are sometimes advised to say "Dead Man Walking" every so often while exiting the field on their way to the dead box
  • Dorito - A triangular pyramid bunker, reminiscent of Doritos-brand tortilla chips.
  • Double Tap - To rapidly fire two shots at a target, increasing chances of a hit.
  • Drift - A long slide on the ground to get to a bunker.
  • Eating Paint - When a player is shot in the mouthpiece of their mask.
  • Eggy - Slang term for a Viewloader Evolution hopper.
  • Fifty or 50 - The middle line of a field, often used to refer to bunker positions, i.e. "fifty can" or "right fifty".
  • Firing Blind - Firing at a hidden player by using other objects for reference. Notably different from blind firing.
  • Flank
    • The sides and back of a player or group. The area in which they are not actively watching and aiming at.
    • A tactic to take advantage of an opponent's flank by moving perpendicularly around them.
  • Fogged - Term describing the state of goggles after moisture condenses on the lens and decreases the player's visibility, resembling trying to look through a heavy fog.
  • Forty - The line of bunkers one layer closer to the player than the middle of the field (the fifty). Preceded by the "thirty", "twenty", and "ten".
  • Front
    • The player in the front of a group who make first contact with opponents and are often used to get into key locations.
    • The piece of a two- or three-piece barrel which attaches to the back, contains the porting, may be honed to a specific bore size, and determines the final length of the barrel.
  • Ghillie Suit - A specialised camouflage suit often used in woodsball, designed to blur the human form and provide physical camouflage- reducing visibility
  • Ghost
    • A player who continues to play after being eliminated, remaining in low-activity areas to avoid being caught. See playing on.
    • A referee or other official that closely follows players through the field, which can alert opponents to their location.
  • God - The bunker that sits on the center 50 location in the middle of the field.
  • Gogged - Being hit in the lens of the mask.
  • Groupie - A non-playing person who accompanies a team or individual. Often a fan or significant other of a player.
  • Gun Whore - An individual who collects significantly more paintball markers than they use.
  • Guppy - Slang for plastic tubes used to carry generally 50 to 160 paintballs on the field.
  • Hammer
    • A component of blowback-type paintball markers which strikes the valve pin. See also: Paintball marker.
    • Firing at a bunker to mask the noise of a friendly player moving with the noise of the paintball impacts.
  • Harness - A waist pack or load-bearing vest used to carry pods, and sometimes an air tank or extra gear. Used interchangeably with pack.
  • Head Check
    • A quick look out from protection to get a better idea of the opponent's position.
    • A count of the number of players in the group.
  • Hell Hole - A bunker or area with multiple friendly players close together being attacked by a much larger opposing group.
  • Hopper - A container in which loose paintballs are held before falling into the breech of the marker or the mechanics of a loader. Often used interchangeably with loader.
  • Hoser - A player who shoots excessive amounts of paint.
  • Hot
    • A bunker occupied by an opponent.
    • A marker shooting faster than the velocity limit.
  • Insert
    • A piece to a three-piece barrel which is honed to a specific bore size and slides into the back.
    • A versatile playing style which supports the front and back players, filling gaps where needed.
  • Jampuff - When you run past the half way point, realize it was a horrible idea, and run back.
  • JK - Putting your gun in the air when you aren't actually out, and then continuing to play on.
  • Kamikaze - A player who plays for the sole purpose of eliminating other players, with little regard to being hit.
  • Kentucky Left Hand - A stereotype referring to a player shooting off the left side of a bunker while holding the marker in the right hand.
  • Lace - Hitting a player with a line of paintballs.
  • Lane - Gaps between multiple bunkers which can be used to hit players running for a bunker unexpectedly.
  • Lazer - A term used to describe a fully automatic marker. Coined due to the continuous nature of firing such a marker.
  • Leap Frog - A tactic used by two or more players who alternately move and provide cover fire for each other.
  • Lit Up - To be shot excessively or in an embarrassing manner.
  • Loader - A mechanical device which physically pushes paintballs sequentially into the breech of the marker. Typically sorts paintballs from an open hopper into sequence, but pre-sorted solutions such as the QLoader [1] exist. Hoppers with agitating paddles are still hoppers, as the paintball is not pushed into the breech by any force except gravity. Often used interchangeably with hopper.
  • Marshal - An alternative name for a paintball referee, commonly used in European countries.
  • Mirror - A bunker on the opposite side of the field.
  • Milsim - An abbreviation of 'Military Simulation', referring to markers modelled on military weaponry
  • Mod - Modifications.
  • Mow - To defeat exceptionally well.
  • Mug Shot - Being hit in the front of the mask.
  • Noob, Newb or Newbie - A new player. Generally speaking, "noob" is somewhat derogative, and "newbie" is used in a positive or neutral sense.
  • OG - Abbreviation of "original gangster", slang usually referring to a piece of clothing or a person who has been in paintball for a long time. See also: Old school.
  • OG - Also can be Old General, a term used to describe a person who has been in a commanding position for a long time, Veteran Field Soldier, battle tested. Has a wealth of knowledge of tactical play see: "OG, Mutant Paint Baller".
  • Old School - A player or equipment that is considered to be from a previous era or "school of thought".
  • One-Ball - To "One-Ball" an opponent is to break a ball on them after having fired only just one ball, usually from a notable distance or through a narrow/difficult opening.
  • Overshoot - To continue firing at a player after they have indicated that they are eliminated.
  • Painting - Slang for "playing paintball".
  • Paint Check - Inspecting a player for hits, especially on hard-to-see areas such as a player's pack, mask, or head.
  • Paint - Short for "paintballs".
  • Pair - Two players designated as partners and made responsible for each other. Often, a new player and a skilled veteran will be paired to teach the new player how to play.
  • Pants - Slang meaning "cool" or "awesome". See agg.
  • Pawn - A player who is sacrificed to draw attention away from other players.
  • Pinch - A situation in which a player cannot move without being eliminated.
  • Playing On - Situations where a player will continue to act as a live player after they are hit, or wiping a hit off.
  • Pod - A plastic tube with a snap-closed lid that carries extra paintballs while on the field to refill the hopper. Most hold more than 100 (generally 140) paintballs.
  • Pod Thief - An individual who picks up pods left on the field without giving the owner a chance to retrieve them.
  • Pot - Alternative name for pods, commonly used in European countries.
  • Private Label - Special or team editions of markers, distinguished by included upgrades, parts, and often unique milling or anodizing.
  • Point Blank - At a previously agreed distance, players who catch others by surprise yell "point blank" (or something similar), to eliminate players. This minimizes bruising and bleeding from being fired upon at close range. Many recreational fields use this rule, especially when they allow young players, and it is often required in the field's insurance policy. There are numerous variations, some allowing the surprised players to choose to return fire, or requiring the surprising player to physically touch their opponent with the barrel of their marker.
  • Pwn - To defeat exceptionally well. See also: Mow.
  • QEV - An exhaust port on a ram allowing for faster cycling speeds.
  • Ramping - A feature that allows the marker to fire faster than the trigger is being pulled. Previously found only on cheater boards, modern electronic markers include these features and more.
  • Remote - A coiled or braided-steel hose connecting the marker to the air source. Allows the player carry the tank on their harness rather than directly on the marker, reducing the weight of the marker.
  • Renegade - The final player against a significant number of opposing players.
  • Revy - A slang term for a Viewloader Revolution electronic hopper.
  • Rollie - A can bunker placed horizontally on the ground. Typically staked down to prevent it from actually rolling.
  • Roll (i.e. "roll your gun") - Consistently firing a marker at a high rate of fire.
  • Rope - A quickly-fired line of paintballs.
  • Run and Gun - Running for new cover whilst providing covering fire for yourself.
  • Run Through - A strategy whereby a player runs down the field and tries to bunker multiple players before getting eliminated. The player is often eliminated at the end of his run but will have taken out several opponents if the run was successful.
  • Serving Tea - Placing the off-hand underneath the tank mount to steady the marker, especially when shooting out the off-side of a bunker without switching hands. Considered bad form by the majority of players.
  • Shake And Shoot - A non-agitated gravity feed hopper. Must be occasionally bumped to prevent paintballs from jamming above the feedneck.
  • Sixty - The line of bunkers one layer further from the player than the middle of the field (the fifty). Followed by the "seventy", "eighty", and "ninety".
  • Snake - A low-lying bunker the same length as a rollie, but half the diameter. Often capped on one or both ends by mini cans.
  • Snap Battle - Two players attempting to snap shoot each other.
  • Snap Shoot - Leaning out of a bunker for a shot and returning quickly.
  • Speedball - A variant of paintball designed for balanced, competitive play. Named after its fast games and action.
  • Spray or Splatter - Fill of a paintball hitting an object without it actually being struck by a ball. Often does not count as an elimination.
  • Spray And Pray - Shooting rapidly at a person without aiming.
  • Stock Class - A style of paintball play in which markers meeting stock-class requirements are the only type of allowed. Typical stock class restrictions include manual re-cocking after every shot, limited paint capacity, and using only 12 gram carbon dioxide cartridges.
  • Streetball - Paintball played by those who do it simply for the love of the sport.
  • Superman - A low, forearm dive used to move quickly underneath incoming paint.
  • Sweet Spot
    • When a player shoots a string of paint into an open area, hoping a player will move into the paint while finding cover.
    • A spot in the range of the trigger at which the mechanical vibration of the marker will cause the player to trip the trigger in and out of the activation point and fire very quickly.
  • Taco - See tombstone. Specifically refers to the "short" version, as it resembles a folded taco shell.
  • Tank - Containers that hold the gas that powers paintball markers. In most cases the tank is screwed directly into the marker. See also: Remote.
  • Tape - The side boundaries of the field.
  • Thumping - The act of striking the cocking rod or knob of some markers at the same time the trigger is pulled, adding extra force to the hammer, resulting in a higher velocity than normal.
  • Tombstone - A rectangular-base bunker with a top curved along the long side. Manufactured in "tall" and "short" versions.
  • Up - Upgrade. Used interchangeably with mod.
  • V.I.P. very important person referring to the young person who switched teams to be with the older team.
  • Walking (i.e. "walking the trigger") - Using two or more fingers to rapidly drum the trigger, resulting in a higher rate of fire than normal trigger pulling can achieve.
  • Walk On - A player who arrives the same day as a game with no prior reservation.
  • Wipe - Removing a hit before being called out.
  • Woodsball - A variant of paintball played in a natural setting with large boundries. Preferred for military simulation and Scenario Paintball situations.
  • Wrap - Leaning further out of one side of a bunker in order to shoot toward the opposite side of the field. Faster than moving to the other side of the bunker, and often done after forcing an opponent down.
  • X-Ball - A variation of speedball, that has a giant X Bunker in the center of the field. X-Ball is Generally a center flag game, with the flag on either the right or left side of the X bunker.

Scenario terms


Scenario games have their own set of terms in addition to the standard paintball jargon.

  • Armband - Used to identify what team a player is on, and if a player is "alive". Armband colors are generally blue and red. Other colors can be used to designate special job positions, such as demolitions, engineer, medic, pilot, etc.
  • CO - Commanding Officer. See "General".
  • Demolitions - Job position in which the player is allowed to use demolitions equipment such as satchel charges or launchers to destroy special props or open blocked areas.
  • Engineer - Job position which has the ability to repair destroyed structures. Sometimes
  • General - The overall leader of a team, and the one responsible for issuing missions.
  • Launcher - A device used to eliminate vehicles, bunkers, or other enemy players. There are two types: Standard paintball markers with uniquely-shaped bodies loaded with reserved-color "launcher" paintballs; and NERF rocket launchers constructed like potato guns. Because of the increased mass of the NERF rocket, velocity is generally chronographed far lower, around 230-250 feet per second.
  • Medic - Job position which allows the player to "heal" other players by physically wiping the paint off of the other player. Some scenarios issue medics extra armbands to give to eliminated players.
  • Mission - Specific objectives, sometimes with a time limit, that may be accomplished by a team for points or extra supplies. Often missions are the only way to win a scenario.
  • Pilot - Job position which allows the player to direct a group of players who are protected from elimination until they "land" and join the game. Used to insert players into secluded areas or behind enemy lines.
  • Prop - Any physical object which the scenario producers have introduced into the field as a playable object for players in the scenario game.
  • Producer - The company or person responsible for organizing and running the game. Some well known scenario producers include MXS, Viper Paintball, Blackcat Paintball, and Wayne Dollack.
  • RTS - Real Time Strategy. A newer scenario game concept being heavily pursued by scenario producers such as Viper Paintball or TAW Productions. This setup eliminates the standard missions and allows the two Generals to write their own missions to accomplish a set of overall goals.
  • Satchel Charge - A prop that is placed under referee supervision for triggered elimination or demolition, as an alternate to a LAW launcher.
  • Squad Commander - Also known as Unit Commanders or just Commanders, they receive missions from the General and lead a group of players to accomplish it.
  • Tank - Prop vehicles that players move and operate. Typically, tanks can only be eliminated by special prop weapons or reserved paint colors, which are carried by "anti-armor" players or other vehicles. Depending on the purpose and size, tanks can carry large quantities of air, paintballs, markers, and other players. Due to largely being custom-built one-off designs, a wide range of tanks exist.
  • XO - Executive Officer. Second in command to General. Typically handles communications between the General and the Squad Commanders, and acts as the Commander for base defense.

See also


