See also: bratpack





Blend of brat +‎ Rat Pack

Proper noun


the Brat Pack

  1. (informal, film, historical) A group of young actors who frequently appeared together in teen-oriented coming-of-age films in the 1980s.
  2. (informal, literature, historical) A group of young authors who emerged on the East Coast in the 1980s.
    • 2005 August 7, Edward Wyatt, “Bret Easton Ellis: The Man in the Mirror”, in The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
      Introduced as the bad boy of American letters, the brattiest of the Brat Pack that included Jay McInerney, Tama Janowitz and other chroniclers of young Reagan-era angst, Mr. Ellis has achieved over the last 20 years a level of notoriety and acclaim that has eluded most of his peers.

Further reading
