




brottsofferfond (crime victims fund) +‎ -en (the).

Proper noun


Brottsofferfonden c (genitive Brottsofferfondens)

  1. (Sweden, law) The Crime Victims Fund; a fund managed by the Swedish Crime Victim Authority, funded by fees from those convicted of crimes punishable by jail time. It is used to support research and other projects aimed at assisting crime victims.
    • 2024, 57:23 from the start, in Gränsbevakarna Sverige [Border Control Sweden], season 2, episode 14, spoken by customs officer:
      Det blir 120 dagsböter. Det är beräknat på mängden narkotika. Och så 800 kronor till Brottsofferfonden eftersom det är ett brott med fängelse i straffskalan.
      It will be 120 day fines. This is calculated based on the amount of narcotics. And then 800 kronor to the Crime Victim Fund because it is an offense that carries a prison sentence on the penalty scale.