English citations of za and 'za

  • 2011, Katie Finn, Top 8 Book 3: Unfriended (→ISBN):
    “I'm going to get some za,” Ruth said, heading toward the pizza table, []
  • 2014, Josh Sundquist, We Should Hang Out Sometime: Embarrassingly, a true story (→ISBN)
    “What are you up to?” “Just eating some za.” “Excuse me?” “Za. It's an abbreviation for pizza.” “Oh... okay.” She chuckled at her abbreviation.
  • 2010, Melissa Hershberg, The Rebel Diet: Break the Rules, Lose the Weight, page 195:
    This pizza can be a bit tough to find (I buy mine at Whole Foods), but if you're in the mood for some 'za, this is definitely a treasure worth hunting for.